
The Caribbean Paradise in the Mediterranean Sea

Sardinia is a large Italian island located in the Mediterranean Sea, known for its rugged landscape, stunning beaches, and unique culture.

Sardinia is adventure and relaxation

Interesting facts about Sardinia

The southern Italian island of Sardinia covers 24,000 km² in the Tyrrhenian Sea and is divided into the following five provinces from north to south:

  • Sassari
  • Nuoro
  • Oristano
  • Sud Sardegna
  • Cagliari (island capital)

The extraordinary coasts and landscapes of Sardinia

Sardinia’s beaches are incredibly varied and many feature kilometre-long dunes with gnarled juniper trees, shady pine forests and hidden coves between bizarre rock formations. Long, white sandy beaches stretch along the island’s coastline into the wonderfully turquoise waters. Indeed, only the coconut palms are missing to make the Caribbean feel perfect!

There are also wonderful landscapes beyond the Sardinian dream coast. Each region has its peculiarities. The Tirso alluvial plain in the west of the island is characterised by lagoon lakes, pink flamingos and the noble Vernacchia vine.

The gleaming white dolomite massif of the Supramonte offers a dreamlike contrast to the inlaid sandy bays in the rocky slopes around Cala Gonone in eastern Sardinia. Bizarre volcanic cones and basalt plateaus characterise the Marmilla region. 

Cities full of art and culture

The most beautiful city in Sardinia is considered to be Alghero in the northwest of the island, which the Spanish ruled for almost 400 years. In the car-free “Centro storico”, the Spanish character has been preserved and “paella” is served in restaurants.

In the island’s capital Cagliari in the southeast of the beautiful island, the Castello quarter, which towers high above the city centre, is particularly worth seeing. The city invites you to linger with its winding alleys, small street markets and the magnificent promenade at the harbour.


The colourful, large-format murals on the walls of the houses, which often feature folkloristic and political themes, are characteristic of many villages in Sardinia. Especially in Orgosolo, many of the magnificent murals can be admired. 

An island full of history and traditions

More than 7,000 nuraghi have been counted throughout the island. The ubiquitous conical stone structures made of stacked stone blocks have served the Nuraghi people from the Bronze Age to Roman times, probably as fortress towers.

The ancient customs and traditions of Sardinia are preserved with the utmost originality. Every village has at least one of its dance groups, which performs traditional Sardinian dances at the countless island festivals and delight the spectators alongside the “Canti a Tenores“, the four-part 

Sardinian cuisine and wines

Sardinian cuisine is simple and robust and originates in the interior of the island. It is a cuisine of shepherds and farmers. Sausages and roasted meats, including offal such as wild boar and suckling pig, are often eaten with one of over a hundred types of bread and cheese. Simplicity is also reflected in one of the most famous dishes—the “pane frattau,” which consists mainly of bread patties.

The reputation of Sardinian wines has grown significantly in recent years. Thanks to the great variety of soils – from volcanic to clayey, from calcareous to basaltic – there are many wine-growing areas on the island. The mountains produce mainly the strong red “Cannonau,” while the plains and hills are more likely to produce the gentler white “Vermentino.

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